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About Me

Victoria Merino has been in touch with the real-estate industry throughout her entire career. A natural move from architecture, Victoria has excellent insight into building techniques and materials and an in-depth knowledge of architectural designs, house models and building features.

Victoria has a keen eye for intricate details. Her experience with aesthetic judgments in both architecture and interior design make her uniquely qualified to offer distinctive suggestions to her clients.

Victoria knows her clients are interested in sustainable processes. Graduating from the UNAM, Mexico’s most prestigious university, Victoria has specific knowledge of energy conservation and recyclable, eco-friendly materials.

Victoria specializes in the Puerto Escondido area. She knows better than most how an area can really draw you in. She fell in love with Puerto Escondido during vacation and she came to stay with her children, now 9 and 11, during the pandemic. After the pandemic, they returned to Mexico City but realized right away that the city was no longer their home. They made the permanent move to the coast.

Victoria loves Puerto because she says you are always in touch with nature and being on the coast inspires a better quality of life and a healthier, more laid-back lifestyle. She feels a lot of freedom that she didn’t feel in the city. And she says, her children have a completely different childhood experience. Even though Puerto is a smaller town, her children are able to participate in many activities.

Victoria enjoys meeting new people from different places, cultures and horizons. Victoria says “I am a tourist-turned-local, like many buyers here. I enjoy sharing my experience with my clients and helping them find their place in the community.”

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